Replica Percussion Revolver Collector's Association RPRCA
At this time none of
the cased sets on this page are for sale. They are
displayed for information purposes to illustrate the collect-ability
of these firearms |
Pictures-Cased Sets
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1860 Army Engraved Cased With Shoulder Stock |
Lemat Army Cased |
1858 Remington New Army Full Fluted Cylinder |



1858 Remington New Army Stainless Cased Pietta |
Tucker & Shepard Dragoon Gold Filled Engraving |
1847 Walker Engraved Cased Set |



Texas Paterson Cased Set |
1861 Navy Sheriff Cased Set Consecutive Serial # |
Baby Dragoon Polished Double Cased Set Consecutive Serial # |



Navy Arms 1858 Remington New Army Engraved Cased Set |
1861 Navy Sheriff Brass & Nickel Engraved Cased |
Texas Paterson
In-White Engraved Cased Set |